The right element

We all face uncertainty and confusion in this life. Maybe you are living your life finding what is really for you. You are searching for something that is in store for you.

Have you tried washing your hands with soap?
Have you tried washing the clothes with soap?
Have you tried cleaning using soap?

I know you did.
And you know what, we are all like soap.
We are designed for a special purpose.
The purpose of soap is to clean. It will not do its purpose unless it is used. A soap that is not used is a soap that has a purpose, but it is just in the stockroom.

Same as you, you have a purpose.
It would be best if you were used so you will know your purpose.
Are you in the stock room?
You still don’t know what kind of soap you are.
Maybe you will ask me, “How can I be used when I still don’t know my purpose?”

Here’s the thing: Go to the water. That is the right element for you.

Have you ever seen someone who washes clothes without water? Or wash his/her hands without water? Or clean something without water?

If you still don’t know your purpose, go to the water. Go to God, be soaked in Him. And let only Him reveal your purpose in this world.

It is written in John 4:14, “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

I found what is really in my heart, after eight years in dwelling in the water. There were times that I only knew that God has something for me, something that I have never seen before, something that I have never been heard, something that I have never imagined, but I patiently waited until that day came, and God revealed what He wants me to do.

Maybe until now, you still don’t know your purpose. Keep dwelling in the water. Know that God also has something for you. Endure, wait, and see.

In my conclusion, it is only God who knows, who plans, and who prepares your purpose in this world. Go and seek Him. Do not try to do things without Him because you will only fail. Been there, done that.  
Stay on the water. Dwell and grow in God.
The only right element for you -- God.

Thank you for reading!
God bless you!

Don’t forget to leave your comment below and share this with your friends.

-Abi Bantigue


  1. Thank you po uli ate!! 😍😍🙌

  2. Yes, indeed. God has something in store for all of us and His plan is always perfect. Thank you for writing this and keep inspiring everyone����Go Abi!


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